Web Design Fall 2008

Course Syllabus










Website Hosting

Animated Gifs

Requested Elements

Further Readings

Interesting Designs

Connecting to the WyoWebDesign server

We want to extablish a site in Dreamweaver so that all the files stay organized and we can edit them in dreamweaver. Follow these steps:

-create a folder on your computer to hold all the files
-put all the files created via spliting the design into that folder. Your file list should include: your_template.html, /images/, and /images/all_your_Slices.gif
- Open Dreamweaver and go to Site - New Site
- select the advanced tab
- enter a name for your site
- in "local root folder" browse to the website folder you created in step 1
- select remote info
- "access" set to FTP
- "FTP host" enter wyowebdesign.net
- "host Directory" leave blank
- "Login" enter (your_last_Name)@wyowebdesign.net (all lowercase)
- "password" enter your password taken on day 1
- Select "use passive FTP"
- test the connection
- if successful select OK then Done

Note that these are the FTP setting for this particular web server. Different web servers may have different connection settings. Check with your hosting provider to determine the apropriate FTP settings.


Once you have established the connection in dreamweaver you can now upload your files to the web.

-in Dreamweaver goto Window - Files to bring up the file manager window.

From here you can select files and hit the Up Arrow to place them on the server. The Down arrow will pull the selected file onto your computer replacing the ones you have. it is as simple as that. If you need to delete files from the server select remote site from the dropdown and hit the delete key.