Web Design Fall 2008
Requested Code Samples
Wrapping text around an image : This code allows you to wrap a long paragraph around a image. Drop Down Menu: This is an advanced explanation on how to create drop down menus. Note that you will need to have a fairly good understanding on how tags work and how to modify your code in order to use this effect. Feedback Form: This link is to a php file within a zip file that contains all the scripting necessary to have a feedback form on a website. This is the most simple execution of this functionality and doesn't include any safeguards or required fields. This file is commented to explain the different actions being preformed. This is how the form will look to a end user LINK E-Commerce: there has been interest in e-commerce websites. I would recommend going with a solution called Zen Cart (zencart.com) this is a free software that is primarily styled using CSS. There is a huge array of support, forums, tutorials and even a book on how this software works. The site is simply a collection of PHP webpages that are combined to make the website. Also there is support for connecting the site to Paypal which allows for simple cheep payment processing. Photogallery Management System: This is a php file that allows for a simple photo gallery management system. There are three files associated with this program
Your database will need to be setup with the following feilds
You will also need a few folders setup on your site as they are in the attached zip file. Note that this set of scripts will not work untill your database and all folders are setup correctly and your connection.php file hase been edited with the correct variables. |